The end is always lonely

The guy from the city of Spain melila the city known for its beauty the city of his life where he gone through the dark alleys of his past from the beautiful stairs of these country to his end

Abaddon the guy of his name which lives the life like what his name represents a “abyss”

Abbadon was a guy who was looking for care and attention in everything because he couldn't get it from his parents he looked for that in every friend and everyone he has seen

People kept forgetting him and he loved everyone else like he wanted for himself he cared for everyone like he wanted for himself during his teenage school times of him going in a school nearby his hometown and his parents were on the verge of divorcing and they both didn't wanted to raise him as their own child he was 16 at that time he broke through and soul was like on the embers of death his parents gave him some money to eat and left him on the road he who didn't wanted to give up tried his best kept going school started doing part time job at a restaurant he was a good cook and household worker because both his parents used to do nightshifts and all he started earning he lived in the workers lobby with our part time workers and sometimes on park bunches and going through this all one day in school a new girl came in his school in his class close to his window sit of back he looked at her like a destined he got blinded into a destiny which looked like he can't get to make his own but still looked beautiful as it was some eclipse of universe a black hole which is making him fall for her like I'm Fallin a abyss

Her name is Lily she was really like her name

They talked they became friends then best friends but in his context at first she was some bright shine which made him fallen blind love for her and which slowly turned into some thing people called one sided even though for him that's all he has had it was his happiness his sadness his everything

She told him her every secret he listened to them like it's some untold fairytales and cherished them

He told her everything to her except how he does feel for her

He was like a comfort zone to her she was like a unreplacable home itself to him

Years passed bond became stronger

She was the same that cheerful girl

He was that silent guy listening to his fairytales which matters to him more than anything

As the things going it always has ends and That end was a guy named Lucas came between them Abbadon became anixous his jealously was on peak he was still hiding it and whenever she asked him he just joked and left the talk

The Lucas and lily became good friends they started now hanging out at first they all three together Abbadon was not interested in hanging out and as the time gone they started hanging out alone without telling Abbadon but he knew about that because he saw them on the streets going together during there last year together in school lily called Abbadon late night he was happy to just see her calling him he picked up said “heyy wassup what happened?” lily said in a exciting tone that she wanted to talk about something he said ohh okay what you want to talk about lily she started talking about lucas

She told to him that he is a nice guy I think I'm falling for him he was shattered inside almost cried he lost for min

She asked what you think he said it's good you both look good together smiled like he never did before and then cutted the call saying he is sleepy and talk to you later he was like some cold Blizzard wind and whose talks sounded like dread rainfull

After some months lily and lucas started dating

He congrulated them and then wished that lucas would love her like he wanted and would make her happy so that his own grave would look a bit lonely

Abbadon and lily became distant as the time passed she forgot him like a chapter and lived happily with lucas

Abbadon who left hoping and praying for them to be happy together and who lost himself that day with her and couldn't get back

From that day he did everything so he could get back the person he was before and now he was like some a person who seems alive still dead

Still he couldn't stop loving her enlighting her like she is his life lessons and chapters which he can't forget never have ever in his life

He took all that fairytales and his heart and his enslaved soul and her thoughts the feelings of her to his death she was the 7 min which flashed in front of his eyes at the end of his life

He died in a accident while driving to visit the orphanage to adopt a child so he could atleast love someone like he wanted and die in peace but his wished remained unfinished and unnoticed like his love for her

In the end some stories are always unnoticed in the end some stories are kept hidden due to fear of losing of what you have right now

Fear of someone forgetting you

is like death of yours

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I want to be writer who will express the means of how to love and how to feel the good in worst I want to show the world the lover inside me which i have to hide from which I love

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